Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sat. Aug.8

Bridget made BB Pancakes on our last morning. Paul dug the trench for the electric line to the garage. I started rewiring the plugs in the cabin. At noon we went out on one last cruise on the float boat before putting it away. It went on the trailer very smoothly. We all went to Dick & Becky’s for dinner, What a send off with steak and wild rice. Who can forget the cookies and ice-cream? I am sitting here in the Cabin listing to the rain and I should be going to bed. I think the Lord for my family and the time I am blessed with that I get to spend with them. I think the Lord for the opportunity to share time with friends past and present, recall memories of those I spent time with in the past and new times with old and new friends. See you all next year.

Fri. Aug. 7

The morning started with finishing up of projects started, windows, trim and cleaning up around the cabin and garage. We ate an early lunch and went for a 34 mile boat ride. We started at Canoe Narrows and worked our way to Piskegomang Creek. We hope to take canoes up the creek next year. We ended up at the Paxton Islands, Viking Reef and we tried to find the Mines. This trip helped Paul and Hannah finished up their scavenger hunt. They have been looking for clues that Nana & Auntie Ann left them (Hannah more than Paul). Paul once again water skied and Bridget made 2 Pumpkin pies for a pie party. We had the Groves and the Camerons. Hannah found her treasure hunt surprise, but Paul is trying to finish up his at the last minute, like normal. We will see if he makes it. We finished the evening with a game of Mexican Train Dominoes.

Thurs. Aug 6

Today we went fishing on Bunyan lake, half the fun was getting there. We had to rent a four wheeler to start with and load it in the truck and drive 45 miles one way, 20 miles of it were on logging roads, plus 2-3 miles of it were narrow trails pulling the boat. We crossed beaver dams and forged small streams. To launch the boat, we had to go down a steep and rock filled slope. When we got on the lake we motored around the corner to Don’s hole. I shut the motor off, dropped in my 3 day old minnow and had a bite before it hit bottom! We had 5 fish before 9:30 am. This is pretty good since we got there by 9am. The rest of the morning was fish after fish. We could have been back on the trailer heading home by 9:45 had we wanted to. We started being very selective for our last 3 fish. We had 3 or 4 fish that were in the slot size that we defiantly threw back. By noon we had caught our limit and a few nice northern, so we called it a day. When we got home we decided to have a fish fry on Aunt Irene’s rock in front of her cabin (now Ron and Dee’s). I am not a fish eater but there is something about fresh Walleye on the rock that seems to be really good. It also brings back memories of when I was really young and going out with our grandparents and parents fishing and having a shore lunch. Paul ends the day water skiing about 7 miles. He has become pretty good on one ski.

Wed. Aug 5

Paul, Hannah, Roger & I went out to do some fishing with storms clouds in the West. Hannah caught her first walleye. She named it Wallace the Walleye. Big mistake! Wallace went into the live well to determine his fate. Wallace spent 24 hours in the 12” X 28” live well {he did have fresh oxygen pumped in}. To make a long story short, we went fishing on Thus. and Roger cleaned fish that we caught. Wallace was next on the chopping block. Roger grabbed him to do the deed and he flipped around on the dock and into the water. Free Wallace (free Willie) must have been stunned because he hung around awhile in the water. Hannah was torn. She loves to eat walleye but not Wallace. While we were out fishing Bridget picked 2 quarts of blueberry with a mother deer and her twins. Dianne stained all the trim for the windows that I put in over the last week. We all had to race to the cabin because of big rain storm that came in. It was over in about an hour. Camerons came over for grilled Balsamic chicken, roasted potatoes, and fresh broccoli.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Tue. Aug 4

Bridget laid around the cabin while I finished trimming the windows and Dianne started staining the trim. I think Hannah played with Brittany the neighbor girl who lives in Chicago. She came with her Dad and brother to stay with their Grandma for a week. Around noon we decided to make sure that Jason and crew would return again next year. We also want to put Bob’s worries to rest. We loaded the 1977, 70 HP Mercury on to the float boat (Float boat rocks again) to take it to Deer trail. Then we put it into Roger’s truck. Bob and Roger then took it to the Bay for an estimate. Bob worked a deal to have it tuned up, so as to have free storage for a year. Good luck to Jason getting down to the boat next year. Better put the top engineer on it!

Mon Aug 3

Rain, rain and more rain all morning. Playing cards doing our BS and reading are all things we do on rainy days. I went down to see Cameron’s; Becky had just made some cookies so I sampled 1 or 2 or maybe 3. They were doing a puzzle big enough to last the whole week. I came home and Bridget was making cookies also I sampled 1 or 2 or maybe 3.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sun. Aug 2

After a late morning Bible study we launched Cameron’s boat. This could be their last year because they have put their cabin up for sale. Becky said she has been coming up longer than I (43 year) have been alive. Her parents built their cabin after my grandparents. My Grandparents built theirs in 1951. We decided to go fishing today. What a perfect day the Lord gave us, no wind, and 75 deg. and nothing but sunshine. I caught a small Northern & a Perch with nibbles along the way. We spent about 5 hours out on the lake. Paul decided to water ski when we got back. The water was like glass so even Hannah tubed for a while. Bridget made us spaghetti and meatballs with salad for dinner. She finished the night off with traditional reading out loud of Little Britches. Bridget has been reading the series to us on vacation for a long time. The Lord has bless us with good spirits and time together.

Sat. Aug 1

Shanghai Rummy lasted til 11:30PM Jason beat me because of one card one draw too late. We all slept in a little this morning. It rained all night and stopped this morning. 11.30 am Jason had the van packed and wanted to make one last memory. Picking blueberries in the rain, so we all went even Bob. I can’t help but think how much Addie would enjoy these berries and (no spray on them Jodi). The rain stopped and the wind picked up in the afternoon, but the sun did shine some. Hannah finally got to go to the sheep farm. They also raise elk there for the meat. There were so big ones there. We also learned how they put donkeys with the sheep to protect them from wolves. Here is a nice view of the asses. I put windows in again til dark. The Groves came over for fresh corn chowder and blueberry muffins. The night ended with a game of Shanghai Rummy with Ron winning.

Sat. Aug 1

Shanghai Rummy lasted till 11.30PM Jason beat me because of one card one draw too late. We all slept a little in this morning. It rained all night and stopped this morning. 11.30 am Jason had the van packed and wanted to make one last memory. Picking blueberries in the rain, so we all went even Bob went. I can’t help but think how much Addie would enjoy these berries and (no spray on them Jodi). The rain stopped and the wind picked up in the afternoon, but the sun did shine some. Hannah finally got to go to the sheep farm. They also raise elk there for the meat there were so big ones there. We also learned how they put donkeys with to the sheep to protect them from wolf. Here is a nice view of the asses. I put windows in again till dark. The Groves came over for fresh corn chowder and blueberry muffins. The night ended with a game of Shanghai Rummy with Ron winning.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fri. July 31

Well its Colwell’s last day here. After breakfast, Nana and Grandpa arrived to Hannah’s delight. Paul, Bridget, Jason & Hannah had a game of badminton. Roger brought some corn from home which we all had along with hamburgers at Connaught Point. It was lightly sprinkling so we did not get to play on the beach there. The excitement is when Paul dropped the pot into the lake and Jason dove to the bottom (8ft)to get the pot. Grandpa took the float boat out there for the 1 hour ride. But all who rode on it enjoyed it. When we got back Paul and I helped Bob & Jason get their boat out and put away for year. We found a little water in the lower unit; Bob guessed the motor is at least 40 years old. As I grow older I also told them we were going to buy caster for the boat. It is now raining and Grandpa is standing out there burning trees that Uncle Scott had cut down. Jason wants to finish the vacation with a game of Shanghai Rummy tonight.

Thurs. July 30

I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast after my walk this morning. The sun was shining even though the weather man called for an all day rain. After lunch we headed out through Canoe Narrows, Back Channel, and into Portage Bay to find Hamburger Island for Hannah. What a beautiful day for a boat ride. When we returned Paul, Jason & Julie all water skied in the bay, while Alan, Bridget, Hannah & Elliot watch from the float boat. What a beautiful day!

Wed. July 29

Today we had enough time in the morning to go to Boat Island and hike to the lake in the middle of it. We saw lots of moose signs and were able to pick a few blueberries. Jason decided to make homemade ice-cream for dinner. We all brought something and Bob grilled our burgers. We got Bob and Ron to play A to A tonight. I think all had a good time. On the way home the moon was out and looked really cool with its reflection on the water.

Tue. July 28

Guess what?! It’s raining this morning. Bridget made us fresh blueberry buttermilk pancakes for breakfast. I finished the windows on the porch between the rain drops. After lunch Jason stop by for his first game of Apples to Apples which he won because he knew how to apple to Hannah. Pork chops and gravy, green beans from the garden and blueberry muffins were for dinner. We finished the day with another game of A to A at the Martinsen’s. I think we might have been to noisy for Bob.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Ann's Blog from the July 2009 Trip to Canada

Mon. July 27

We woke up at 7:30 to the pitter-patter of rain on the metal roof . Oh what a sound. If my back was not hurting I could lay there a long time. The rain has stopped long enough to put in to windows on the porch. Then the rain is back. Hannah has spent the whole day down by the water with her friends and I mean right through the rain. Paul helped with the windows and then pretty much did nothing but lay around the rest of the day. They would get under the inner tube during the showers. For dinner we are having roasted grilled potatoes and Brat patties.

Sunday July.26

The Day started at 3:50 am finished packing the two coolers and the rest of the last minute bags. We made it out by 4:50 am. Toll roads 355 and 290 were very empty on this Sunday morning so it was easy driving. When we got into Duluth, MN we decided to drive along the lakefront a few miles before we headed up the big hill. Hannah & Paul were able to take some pictures of the big ships in the docks. There was one ship heading out to sea. We made our annual stop at Gander Mountain near Duluth. Paul got a new Browning Camouflage hat and Hannah got a new Gander Mountain T –Shirt to replace her old one from 2 years ago. From there Paul drove the car while we ate Dairy Queens. A wonderful story from Hank the Cow Dog made the road 502 a quick trip. When we arrived Hannah’s cousins where there to welcome her. Jeff, John and Ron were working on Jeff’s steps. We then proceeded to unpack all of Bridget’s hard work from the morning and night before. I don’t know when the others went to bed but I fell into it at 10, the rest is history. P.S. We told Jason about the internet connection and he was all over it so he could keep up on work.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 14: Aug. 9 2008

Our last day in Canada, Bridget and I started the day with our longest walk of the trip. We then proceeded to canoe around Garbage Island which is 1.7 miles. We then took the Cameron’s canoe back to their boat house, and locked it up. The deer made her daily swim to the Island, Paul and I went out to boat next to her. She really was swimming fast to get away from us. I decided to water ski, so I did it was fun. Hannah also decided to ski for the first time. She had to try 7 or 8 times to get up but she finally made it up, with coaching from Dad and Jason. Paul was next with all of his wake boarding and knee boarding him finally decided to ski. He got up right away, we looked back and he has kicked of his ski. He fell the first time trying to get his foot in, so he tried again and was slalom like a pro. Jason who has slalom all his life was really impressed. What a grace day God has given us to end our vacation, tomorrow we head home to good old IL, USA.

Day 13: Aug.8 2008

The Olympics have started so Bridget made two blueberry pies to take to Martensen’s Cabin in return for her to watch opening ceremonies. The Blueberries seem to be even more plentiful than ever. The Grove’s Jeff& John families went home after a short stay, but they seem to enjoy the time they had.

Day 12: Aug. 7, 2008

What a beautiful day this has turned out to be-sunny with very little wind and 78 degrees. Bridget and Alan finished the trim on the garage and the cabin. We also finished calking the windows so they will be ready for trim next year. Paul and grandpa had a nice day of fishing, which I know Paul will remember all year till next year. We had corn chowder for dinner with pumpkin pie for desert. Jason also made homemade ice cream for everyone in camp. Hannah had her last day with the girls they were all going home today. They finally all went tubing around the lake. Earlier that morning Bob pulled Jason, Julie, & Paul on skies, which was Paul’s first time this year for Skies that is.

Day 11: Aug. 6, 2008

Today is code brown day the septic is full. This morning after breakfast we saw people from the cabin heading to the woods with a variety of digging tools, such as crowbars, shovels even paddles and pieces of paper flowing from their pockets. Paul has high hopes of swimming and sailing to the Island today with Nana. Roger hopes the metal is in for the garage. Paul, Nana, Jason and Julie all swam to the Island, with Alan running escort with the canoe. It was very windy and everyone was swimming off course. The metal came in so we put it on, and got half of the trim on before supper. Supper consisted of Hamburgers and potato fries. The night ended with Jason and Julie coming over for a game of shanhi Rummy. Jason won and Alan came in on a close 2nd. Ps. Code Brown was lifted around 11:00am because the septic was pumped and inspected, so we are good for another couple of Days.

Day 9: Aug. 4, 2008

Today started at 5:30am get ready for Clay Lake fishing trip. We took our boat out the night before and hauled it to Clay. Fishing started out pretty slow at the Twin Islands. We then moved to the Narrows where we always seem to catch fish. Grandpa started the day with a Northern Pike. Alan caught a 4#, 23 ¼ inch walleye and a 4# 28 inch Northern. Others who went were Ron, John, Taylor, and Hailey Grove, Bob Martinsen and Jason Caldwell. When we got back, there was to be a fish fry on Jeff’s huge, new deck. Right before the party, it decided to start to rain, so the party was moved to Jeff and Karen’s cabin whom weren't even there yet. This was our first taste of walleye for the year, and they were good. Janet made a tortellini salad and we also made brownies to take. Hannah has been very busy with the Grove girls. We ended the night by pulling Julie for her first lap on skis around the lake. Paul took a couple of laps on the knee board behind Martensen’s boat which gave him more speed than behind our boat. Paul, Nana, Janet, Bridget, and Hannah ended the night with a rousing and loud game of Shanghai Rummy - something about a one- eyed chameleon!

Day 10: Aug. 5, 2008

After the morning walk we are preparing to go to Boat Island to pick blueberries. The hike up was wonderful. While Jason, Julie, Bridget, Alan, Hannah, and Paul when up, Janet & Dianne went swimming. When we reached the lake Jason and Roger went swimming it has become a tradition with Jason. The blueberries were very plentiful. Dinner was at 5th and Broadway in the west arm of Eagle Lake, Rich and Ruth from Deer Trail Lodge took us out to the Rock for another fish fry.

Day 8: Aug. 3, 2008

Bridget and Alan woke up at 6:30 and did their mile walk, actually it was probably more like two miles. Nana came along. While we were gone, Grandpa was considering making pancakes and wanted blueberries for them. So he biked all the way to the railroad tracks and began to pick. Meanwhile Alan, Bridget, and Nana came back from their walk and noticed Roger was gone and guessed where he was. They decided to join him. Pretty soon, Jason and Lennox also joined us. It was fun to watch Lennox, who is 1 ½, discover the joys of eating wild blueberries right from the bush. We took it easy the rest of the day while some of our party went into Dryden. For dinner tonight we had chicken Parmesan and spaghetti, with tossed salad, green beans and zucchini muffins.

Day 7: Aug. 2, 2008

Alan spent the day putting in Roger’s windows and Mom’s bathroom floor. Paul and Hannah went on their daily kneeboard and tube ride. Before that Alan & Bridget, Roger & Dianne canoed around the island while pulling Hannah in the kayak. We stop off at the beach on the west end of Paradise Island. Hannah thought the black sand mixed with the tan sand was cool. We finished the day casting for Muskie with no avail. Jason, Julie & Lenox arrived today.