Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Adventure at Boat Island

I wish I had the time to really organize my blog and start from the beginning of our grand trip! Since I don't I decided to begin with one of my favorite adventures while we were there. I'm excited for everyone else to add stories, adventures and comments to our blog.

Our hike up Boat Island. Boat Island is an island on Eagle Lake that has a lake on top of it. The picture on the left is looking out onto Eagle.

We road our boats out to the island, tied them up and began our excursion. We went up and down rocks, hills and logs. My dad, Roger, gave us very specific directions. He said, "Go west by way of south!" At one point he took off looking for a better path while the rest of us picked tasty blueberries. (Julie and Jason later made two delicious blueberry pies from them.)

We followed yellow and red tags and rock formations. Finally, after we reunited with my dad, Scott and Jason spotted some more tags and followed them leading us to the lake. It was beautiful. The picture on the left shows Bob, Jason, Julie and Scott standing on a rock with the lake off to the side.

The real excitement began when Jason convinced Scott that a swim was just what the doctor ordered! As far as we know, they are the first to swim in this lake. I think we should name the lake after them. Any suggestions?

After some rest, a snack and our live entertainment, we decided to head back. The trip back was not quite as eventful as we maneuvered to find our way up, down and over the beautiful obstacles that could only have been put there by God! Aside from the blueberries, the only other souvenirs that we brought back were a variety of bug bites and a few ticks!

Overall, it was a day to remember! Bob remember to bring your hiking boots next year!!