Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 14: Aug. 9 2008

Our last day in Canada, Bridget and I started the day with our longest walk of the trip. We then proceeded to canoe around Garbage Island which is 1.7 miles. We then took the Cameron’s canoe back to their boat house, and locked it up. The deer made her daily swim to the Island, Paul and I went out to boat next to her. She really was swimming fast to get away from us. I decided to water ski, so I did it was fun. Hannah also decided to ski for the first time. She had to try 7 or 8 times to get up but she finally made it up, with coaching from Dad and Jason. Paul was next with all of his wake boarding and knee boarding him finally decided to ski. He got up right away, we looked back and he has kicked of his ski. He fell the first time trying to get his foot in, so he tried again and was slalom like a pro. Jason who has slalom all his life was really impressed. What a grace day God has given us to end our vacation, tomorrow we head home to good old IL, USA.

Day 13: Aug.8 2008

The Olympics have started so Bridget made two blueberry pies to take to Martensen’s Cabin in return for her to watch opening ceremonies. The Blueberries seem to be even more plentiful than ever. The Grove’s Jeff& John families went home after a short stay, but they seem to enjoy the time they had.

Day 12: Aug. 7, 2008

What a beautiful day this has turned out to be-sunny with very little wind and 78 degrees. Bridget and Alan finished the trim on the garage and the cabin. We also finished calking the windows so they will be ready for trim next year. Paul and grandpa had a nice day of fishing, which I know Paul will remember all year till next year. We had corn chowder for dinner with pumpkin pie for desert. Jason also made homemade ice cream for everyone in camp. Hannah had her last day with the girls they were all going home today. They finally all went tubing around the lake. Earlier that morning Bob pulled Jason, Julie, & Paul on skies, which was Paul’s first time this year for Skies that is.

Day 11: Aug. 6, 2008

Today is code brown day the septic is full. This morning after breakfast we saw people from the cabin heading to the woods with a variety of digging tools, such as crowbars, shovels even paddles and pieces of paper flowing from their pockets. Paul has high hopes of swimming and sailing to the Island today with Nana. Roger hopes the metal is in for the garage. Paul, Nana, Jason and Julie all swam to the Island, with Alan running escort with the canoe. It was very windy and everyone was swimming off course. The metal came in so we put it on, and got half of the trim on before supper. Supper consisted of Hamburgers and potato fries. The night ended with Jason and Julie coming over for a game of shanhi Rummy. Jason won and Alan came in on a close 2nd. Ps. Code Brown was lifted around 11:00am because the septic was pumped and inspected, so we are good for another couple of Days.

Day 9: Aug. 4, 2008

Today started at 5:30am get ready for Clay Lake fishing trip. We took our boat out the night before and hauled it to Clay. Fishing started out pretty slow at the Twin Islands. We then moved to the Narrows where we always seem to catch fish. Grandpa started the day with a Northern Pike. Alan caught a 4#, 23 ¼ inch walleye and a 4# 28 inch Northern. Others who went were Ron, John, Taylor, and Hailey Grove, Bob Martinsen and Jason Caldwell. When we got back, there was to be a fish fry on Jeff’s huge, new deck. Right before the party, it decided to start to rain, so the party was moved to Jeff and Karen’s cabin whom weren't even there yet. This was our first taste of walleye for the year, and they were good. Janet made a tortellini salad and we also made brownies to take. Hannah has been very busy with the Grove girls. We ended the night by pulling Julie for her first lap on skis around the lake. Paul took a couple of laps on the knee board behind Martensen’s boat which gave him more speed than behind our boat. Paul, Nana, Janet, Bridget, and Hannah ended the night with a rousing and loud game of Shanghai Rummy - something about a one- eyed chameleon!

Day 10: Aug. 5, 2008

After the morning walk we are preparing to go to Boat Island to pick blueberries. The hike up was wonderful. While Jason, Julie, Bridget, Alan, Hannah, and Paul when up, Janet & Dianne went swimming. When we reached the lake Jason and Roger went swimming it has become a tradition with Jason. The blueberries were very plentiful. Dinner was at 5th and Broadway in the west arm of Eagle Lake, Rich and Ruth from Deer Trail Lodge took us out to the Rock for another fish fry.

Day 8: Aug. 3, 2008

Bridget and Alan woke up at 6:30 and did their mile walk, actually it was probably more like two miles. Nana came along. While we were gone, Grandpa was considering making pancakes and wanted blueberries for them. So he biked all the way to the railroad tracks and began to pick. Meanwhile Alan, Bridget, and Nana came back from their walk and noticed Roger was gone and guessed where he was. They decided to join him. Pretty soon, Jason and Lennox also joined us. It was fun to watch Lennox, who is 1 ½, discover the joys of eating wild blueberries right from the bush. We took it easy the rest of the day while some of our party went into Dryden. For dinner tonight we had chicken Parmesan and spaghetti, with tossed salad, green beans and zucchini muffins.

Day 7: Aug. 2, 2008

Alan spent the day putting in Roger’s windows and Mom’s bathroom floor. Paul and Hannah went on their daily kneeboard and tube ride. Before that Alan & Bridget, Roger & Dianne canoed around the island while pulling Hannah in the kayak. We stop off at the beach on the west end of Paradise Island. Hannah thought the black sand mixed with the tan sand was cool. We finished the day casting for Muskie with no avail. Jason, Julie & Lenox arrived today.